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About Gifts for the Orangutans

We will email you a certificate to show how your gift could help the orangutans at Sepilok Rehabilitation Centre.

They make a great gift for friends and loved ones. It is a thoughtful present for them whilst making a real difference for the orangutans who need our help.

The certificate can be kept for yourself to remind you of how you have helped a great cause. Alternatively, you can forward it onto your gift recipient or print it out for them.

The money that you and other kind supporters spend on gifts for the orangutans will support the full range of Orangutan Appeal UK's work.

Gifts for the orangutans are only processed and sent during office hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm GMT).

Gifts for the orangutans

Hammock for the Orangutans

£10.00 each

In the wild orangutans will build new nests to sleep in every day high up in the rainforest canopy. When they are young, they will share a nest with their mother until they have learnt how to construct one for themselves. At Sepilok, the orphaned babies are too young to make their own nests, so staff provide hammocks for the babies to have a comfortable night’s sleep. The shape of the hammock helps to give the sense of warmth and security they would have felt if they were still snuggled up to their mother. Although this can’t ever be replicated it is surely the next best thing!

Once purchased we will email you with a certificate about your Gift for the Orangutans.

If you are purchasing a Gift for the Orangutans as a present on someone else's behalf then feel free to forward the certificate onto them or print it out.

This gift supports our projects in Malaysian and Indonesian Borneo including helping to care for the orphans at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. The money that you and our other kind supporters spend on Gifts for the Orangutans will support the full range of Orangutan Appeal UK’s work. Thank you!

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